How quickly our plans can change. The dress I was going to make I've decided to do as separates instead. One of the reasons being- I started drafting the blouse pattern today. As a self-taught seamstress, this isn't exactly easy for me and I'm struggling a lot with it. On the other hand, I know how to handle the skirt. So, next week I'm going to try and whip out the skirt and when Brittani comes over for our Craft Day, she's going to help me work on the blouse pattern a bit. To say it's being unruly is an understatement.
Still, I promised progress today and progress was made!
Thrilling, isn't it? That's the front and back blouse pieces, with the french dart pinned in on the front. I was originally going to gather the back fullness in to the waistband, but since it's now going to be separates I'm going to eliminate the back zipper and probably dart the back.
Before this week, I didn't have a sewing area set up, but my super sweet partner and roommate let me take over a corner of the living room. So here it is, super classy. The serger was my first major sewing machine purchase- the sewing machine was my mother's. I'm not even sure how old it is, but I love it. My (currently quite small) fabric collection is in that bottom drawer, with the exception of the current project which is all draped over a hanger in the closet.
Alright, that's it for this week! Next week it's Brittani's turn to take over.
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