Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the projects I'm working on, but the circle skirt may get some attention this weekend. I've been quibbling over how to do the zipper and if I wanted to add pockets because I was afraid it was a bit too plain. I love the fabric though, so I didn't want to muck with the print too much. Last night it hit me- you'll just have to wait to see it!
Last weekend however I whipped up a little something to make sure my machine and serger were still in good working order and to remind myself how rusty my skills are. Thus, a doll shirt. To say I collect Asian Ball-Jointed dolls might be stretching it. I only have one, my handsome Sabik by the Korean company Soom. His name is Carousel.
Well, this makes it obvious I've been out of the sewing loop for a while. For a three hour project from pattern drafting to finishing I'm pretty happy with it. He provides some special fitting issues in that a) he isn't squshy and b) he has extremely wide shoulders but a pretty trim waist. I wanted something I could pull over his head, but didn't have any stretch fabric so there was some compromise between fit and ease of dressing with this. And for an added bonus, some pattern matching fail. I only have two or three yards of this gorgeous navy and brown japanese cotton. I didn't want to use too much of it because I have other plans for it. So I only made a minimal effort at matching patterns. My thread and notions stash is also woefully understocked and I just used whatever thread was in the machine. In this case, an ivory/natural color that I think work fine. All in all, I'm happier with this shirt than the last few I sewed for him over a year and a half ago. I also made his pants oh... two years ago but have since lost the pattern I drafted for them. A shame too, because they fit really well.
Doesn't that look delicious? I'll give you a hint- it was. Bell peppers, sugar snap peas, onions, garlic, and (frozen) gnocchi all sauteed up with whatever seasonings I had on hand. I love gnocchi done this way. Brittani gave me some dirty looks for using frozen gnocchi after our fun gnocchi making weekends in Spain but really it isn't any fun to do it alone.
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